Workshops in sustainable building methods explore the theory behind the design of Unity Ecovillage and teach practical skills in building with mud (adobe, cob, and hydraform), utilizing renewable energy sources, composting toilets, and more. Ongoing service learning projects give participants the opportunity to apply their newly-acquired knowledge.

Sustainable Farming
Participants learn how to grow food using the principles and techniques of Regenerative No-till Agriculture, a set of soil management practices that minimize the disruption of the soil’s structure, composition and natural biodiversity. No-till has improves crop yields, while improving the long-term environmental and financial sustainability of farming. These workshops led in partnership with the Center for No-till Agriculture (CNTA), and the University of Cape Coast College of Agriculture. For more information, including cost and scheduling, contact info@unityecovillage.org

Arts and Culture
Learn about Ghana’s rich culture through workshops in traditional drumming, dancing, batik making, and glass bead making from Unity's network of internationally renowned artisans. Formal instruction is enhanced through participation in ceremonial occasions in the surrounding villages, featuring the traditional arts. These include life cycle events, religious ceremonies, and festivals. For more information, including cost and scheduling, info@unityecovillage.org